浙江农业科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 65 ›› Issue (5): 1139-1142.DOI: 10.16178/j.issn.0528-9017.20240081

• 白菜类 • 上一篇    下一篇


李根生1(), 李泽楠1,*(), 王梅仙1, 鲁海琴2   

  1. 1.绍兴市越城根生家庭农场,浙江 绍兴 312000
    2.绍兴市越城区马山镇农业农村办公室,浙江 绍兴 312000
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-26 出版日期:2024-05-11 发布日期:2024-05-23
  • 通讯作者: 李泽楠(1993—),男,浙江绍兴人,本科,从事蔬菜种植技术研究与推广工作,E-mail: 15900883888@139.com
  • 作者简介:李根生(1982—),男,浙江绍兴人,从事蔬菜种植技术研究与推广工作,E-mail: 13185596006@139.com

Effects of biochar on soil improvement and yield and quality of Chinese cabbage in greenhouses

LI Gensheng1(), LI Zenan1,*(), WANG Meixian1, LU Haiqin2   

  1. 1. Shaoxing Yuecheng Gensheng Family Farm, Shaoxing 312000, Zhejiang
    2. Agriculture and Rural Office of Mashan Town, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing 312000, Zhejiang
  • Received:2023-05-26 Online:2024-05-11 Published:2024-05-23


常年连作温室大棚存在土壤酸化、重金属积累等土壤问题,严重制约了农业可持续发展和农产品安全生产,亟需对存在土壤退化问题的温室大棚土壤进行治理。通过田间小区试验研究了施用玉米秸秆生物质炭对土壤的影响,以及对小白菜产量和品质的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,施用生物质炭土壤pH值提高了0.47~0.86,有机质含量提高了32.0%~65.6%,全氮含量提高了8.4%~19.3%,有效磷含量增加了38.9%~42.3%,有效态Cd含量降低了32.8%~47.7%。施用30 t·hm-2生物质炭时,小白菜产量增加了18.8%,可溶性糖含量增加了27.8%。施用15和30 t·hm-2生物质炭时,小白菜中硝酸盐含量分别降低了37.7%和44.7%,Cd含量分别降低了22.8%和60.5%。可见,高用量生物质炭能更有效地降低土壤有效态Cd含量和小白菜中Cd的含量。施用30 t·hm-2生物质炭能更好地改良大棚土壤、提高小白菜产量和品质。

关键词: 生物质炭, 小白菜, 土壤改良, 重金属, 产量品质


There are soil problems such as soil acidification and heavy metal accumulation in perennial continuous greenhouses, which seriously restrict the sustainable development of agriculture and the safe production of agricultural products, and it is urgent to treat the greenhouse soil with soil degradation problems. The effects of corn straw biochar application on soil, yield and quality of Chinese cabbage were studied through field experiments. The results showed that compared with the control, the pH value of the soil was increased by 0.47-0.86, the organic matter content was increased by 32.0%-65.6%, the total nitrogen content was increased by 8.4%-19.3%, the available phosphorus content was increased by 38.9%-42.3%, and the available Cd content was reduced by 32.8%-47.7%. When 30 t·hm-2 biochar was applied, the yield and soluble sugar content of Chinese cabbage increased by 18.8% and 27.8%, respectively. When 15 and 30 t·hm-2 biochar were applied, the nitrate content in Chinese cabbage decreased by 37.7% and 44.7%, and the Cd content decreased by 22.8% and 60.5%, respectively. It can be seen that high dosage of biochar can more effectively reduce the content of available Cd in soil and the content of Cd in Chinese cabbage. The application of 30 t·hm-2 biochar could better improve the greenhouse soil and increase the yield and quality of Chinese cabbage.

Key words: biochar, Chinese cabbage, soil improvement, heavy metals, yield and quality
